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Package - Free Posted - 4 months ago State - Ogun City - Abeokuta South
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Feeds Supplements & Seeds

Larbikemfoodsandspices CHIASEEDS SEEDS BLACK COATED WITH WHITE N13,000 1KG 3000KG 1KG DESCRIPTION/ Benefits: Chia seeds contain large amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of protein, and many essential minerals and antioxidants. They may help improve digestive health, lower blood pressure, and improve blood sugar. 1. Aids in Digestive Function 2. Helps Boost Immunity Reduces Blood Sugar Levels. 3. Lowers Risk of Heart Diseases. 4. Protects Against Chronic Diseases 5. Cures Anxiety and Depression 6. May Support Bone Health 7. Promotes Hair Health

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₦ 13,000 Negotiable

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