A large number of very varied products are offered on Buy4Sale by private individuals. Entitled parties, in particular the owners of copyright, trademark rights, or other rights owned by third parties can report any offers that may infringe on their rights and submit a request for this offer to be removed. If a legal representative of the entitled party reports this to us in the correct manner, products infringing on the intellectual property rights will be removed by Buy4Sale.
To report an infringement, please follow below: In order to participate in the Notice of Infringement Programme, you only need to complete a Notice of Infringement Form and fax it to Buy4Sale. You can use this form, complete with your signature, to report advertisements which may infringe on your property rights. The information requested in the Notice of Infringement Form is for the purpose of ensuring that the parties reporting these objects are either the entitled party or their officially authorized representative. This information must also enable Buy4Sale to identify the advertisement to be removed. Once we have received your correctly completed Notice of Infringement Form, you can simply send later reports to Buy4Sale via the e-mail address provided.
Note! This form can only be used by the lawful owners of the intellectual property rights. "Notice of Infringement" is intended to ensure that products offered do not infringe the copyright, trademark right, or other intellectual property rights of third parties. For all other questions, visitors and advertisers can get Help using Buy4Sale Help.