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Are you battling with your Self-Esteem? Do you lack the Self-Confidence to talk to and with people, especially in a crowd? Have you ever been rejected for what is not of your making, and landed yourself wallowing in self-pitying???? Inferiority Complex is a silent killer, and more deadly. It hampers one's productivity and renders one useless, mentally and otherwise when such a person is not in control. If you have ever contemplated suicide, rejection, amongst other negative feelings of poor self-esteem and image, etc., these are ALL signs of an Inferiority Complex. This book is your compass to overcoming such negative thoughts and feelings that have kept you on the spot for such a long time. Grab this ebook now, soak yourself inside the pages, and come back with your testimonies.

₦ 5,000 Negotiable

Samuel Ihebinike (#Samidon)
Typically replies within a few hours

Samuel Ihebinike (#Samidon)

Typically replies within a few hours


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